Last Ten Miles: Creating Value with your Predictions

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Start: 3:30PM
End: 4:00PM
Saturday, March 9, 2024
KPMG Stage
407 9 Ave SE, Calgary, AB
Calgary, AB T2G 2K7
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About This Talk
  • Focus on creating value from our models
  • There's lots of talks on novel ways of predicting things, and creating new models.  Yet there is no talk on how to make these models actually useful in production.
  • What do companies really want when they ask for machine learning?
  • Is Machine Learning the right approach?
  • What to consider when creating a model
  • How to continuously make sure your model is up to date

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Rui Nian

Head of Technology, BlueMarvel
Head of Technology
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Rui Nian

Head of Technology, BlueMarvel
Head of Technology

Rui (Ray) Nian has 7 years of industrial experience and has been working for Spartan Controls on data related projects for the last 4 years.  Currently, he leads the software development team at BlueMarvel AI to create modern software catered towards the process industry.  As for his education background, Rui received his BSc. in Chemical Engineering and MSc. in Process Control from the University of Alberta. During his MSc., Rui specialized in reinforcement learning optimal control and ML for industrial monitoring and prediction. Previously, Rui has worked in health care, upstream/midstream and downstream oil and gas, and in mining operations.