Empowering the Alberta data ecosystem.

The YYC Data Society is Calgary's hub for data science, data engineering, and analytics. We were born from the grassroots communities and composed of people just like you.

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Upcoming Events

5:15 PM

DAMA Calgary Board Meeting

Why we exist

We create collisions between communities and individuals. We nurture our data ecosystem. We develop the roadmap to navigate the Calgary data landscape

Mentorship and Growth

Foster relationships in a community full of professionals, enthusiasts, and lifelong learners

Unlock trapped Potential

Bridge the technical and social gaps which hinder the adoption of the data-drive organization

Advanced ML/AI Skills

Celebrate and advance the underestimated depth of Albertan data and ML/AI expertise

Share Resources

We are stronger together. We are a collective of communities sharing resources and expertise




Events per month




Possible Connections

The Data

The YYC Data Society isn't just a group of people. We're a group of communities. Our constituency spans over a dozen groups representing a wide range of peoples and industries

We are all networks

Communities. Directed acyclic graphs. Social networks. Minimum spanning trees. Networks are at the heart of who we are and what we do. Join us and be a node forging connections in the community

Founding partners

Calgary Data User Group
Calgary Data User Group
PyData Calgary
PyData Calgary
Calgary AI
Calgary AI
Data for Good
Data for Good
Untapped Energy
Untapped Energy
Women in Data
Women in Data
DAMA Calgary
DAMA Calgary
Calgary R
Calgary R

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the Society

The YYC Data Society is first and foremost a collection of communities. The best way to get involved is to sign up for our newsletter and attend community events

I want to start a new data community or add my existing community to the YYC Data Society

We're always happy to add new member communities to our ranks! Send an email to info@yycdatacon.com with some information about your current or planned group.

I want to volunteer with the Society

We're currently seeking full stack developers to build internal tooling and a marketing coordinator. If you're interested, email info@yycdatacon.com!

Featured Event

Upcoming Events

DAMA Calgary September 2024 Meeting

September 19, 2024 7:30 AM

Placeholder ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmI4YThkZTYtZTA4NS00MzVmLWFmZGQtOGI2ZmM5MmQwYmYz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f1284c0c-c5df-4e78-8524-1d15ea7f7625%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d475e90e-57e6-4dc5-a9ed-cf84e6c6c243%22%7d> Meeting ID: 283 699 027 566 Passcode: z3FXe5 Download Teams<https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app> | Join on the web<https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting> Learn More<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=d475e90e-57e6-4dc5-a9ed-cf84e6c6c243&tenantId=f1284c0c-c5df-4e78-8524-1d15ea7f7625&threadId=19_meeting_ZmI4YThkZTYtZTA4NS00MzVmLWFmZGQtOGI2ZmM5MmQwYmYz@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-CA> ________________________________________________________________________________

CalgaryR: Season Opener

September 24, 2024 6:00 PM
Calgary R

Join us for the Season opener at CalgaryR. Are you curious about the language, are you a seasoned data modeller or statistician, or anything in between? This is an excuse to mingle with like-minded people, mentor someone who is just starting, or listen to a talk and share in some lively discussions. There will be two talks, the first one is called "It's a feature, not a bug! Coercion, recycling and sub-setting". We will be digging deep to uncover some of R's superpowers and pillars of the core R syntax for expressive and powerful data manipulation and mathematics. The second talk is still looking for a volunteer speaker. Please contact Pablo via the Meetup messenger if you are interested in proposing some R-related content.

View All events →

The Data Community Center

The YYC Data Society isn't just a group of people. We're a group of communities. Our constituency spans over a dozen groups representing a wide range of peoples and industries








Possible Connections

We Are All Networks

Communities. Directed acyclic graphs. Social networks. Minimum spaning trees. Networks are at the heart of who we are and what we do. Join us and be a node forging connections in the community

Our Mission

We create collisions between communities and individuals.

We nurture our data ecosystem.

We develop the roadmap to navigate the Calgary data landscape.

Mentorship and Growth

Foster relationships in a community full of professionals, enthusiasts, and lifelong learners

Unlock Trapped Potential

Bridge the technical and social gaps which hinder the adoption of the data-drive organization

Advance ML/AI Skills

Celebrate and advance the underestimated depth of Albertan data and ML/AI expertise

Share Resources

We are stronger together. We are a collective of communities sharing resources and expertise

Founding Partners

The YYC Data Ecosystem

YYC Data Blog

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