The Gradient is YYC Data Society's quarterly newsletter that keeps you updated on the latest news, events, and stories from Calgary's data community
Thiago Valentin - People, Process and Data
Thiago Valentin - People, Process and Data
Edmonton's new marque data community group - Edmonton Data Science Community
Edmonton's new marque data community group - Edmonton Data Science Community
Electricity represents a sizeable portion of many industrial companies' expenses. The surge in natural gas prices in 2022 made companies realize that electricity is not inexpensive and strategic cost control means a world's difference in a company's profits. Arcus Power is a Calgary startup that provides electricity intelligence so industrial companies can hedge against high electricity prices, as well help them to optimize their operations to reduce electricity costs.
Electricity represents a sizeable portion of many industrial companies' expenses. The surge in natural gas prices in 2022 made companies realize that electricity is not inexpensive and strategic cost control means a world's difference in a company's profits. Arcus Power is a Calgary startup that provides electricity intelligence so industrial companies can hedge against high electricity prices, as well help them to optimize their operations to reduce electricity costs.
In the 2010s, shale oil's cost advantage over Alberta's oil sands made investors give up on them. However, our Alberta homegrown champions refused to give up on them. Over the years, they were nurtured and with some AI optimization, the oil sands are now investors' favourite oil assets.
In the 2010s, shale oil's cost advantage over Alberta's oil sands made investors give up on them. However, our Alberta homegrown champions refused to give up on them. Over the years, they were nurtured and with some AI optimization, the oil sands are now investors' favourite oil assets.
Oil and gas exploration is a costly endeavour. Calgary-based Bruce Nguyen proposed using deep learning to enhance seismic image resolution to improve interpretation for geophysicists to reduce exploration risk.
Oil and gas exploration is a costly endeavour. Calgary-based Bruce Nguyen proposed using deep learning to enhance seismic image resolution to improve interpretation for geophysicists to reduce exploration risk.
The story of the largest sub-national government repository Open Government data program.
The story of the largest sub-national government repository Open Government data program.
Women in Data's monthly talk returns Thursday November 17th!
Women in Data's monthly talk returns Thursday November 17th!
Companies that use data to save lives deserve an additional amount of admiration. In the case of Calgary's Blackline Safety, this is exactly what they are doing/
Companies that use data to save lives deserve an additional amount of admiration. In the case of Calgary's Blackline Safety, this is exactly what they are doing/
A premier data event going into the fall of 2022. PPDM is looking to profile the skills and innovations that are taking energy data to the next level!
A premier data event going into the fall of 2022. PPDM is looking to profile the skills and innovations that are taking energy data to the next level!
Taistr is using machine learning to personalize wine recommendation for local inventory near you.
Taistr is using machine learning to personalize wine recommendation for local inventory near you.
Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) held a virtual meetup in July and the topic of the meetup was based on a whitepaper produced by Amii and Microsoft Canada on the current AI skill shortage in the workforce.
Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) held a virtual meetup in July and the topic of the meetup was based on a whitepaper produced by Amii and Microsoft Canada on the current AI skill shortage in the workforce.